"Best decision of my life!"


LETS rehabilitate your entire mouth

What is the Full Mouth Reconstruction Procedure?

No matter what your age, it seems like some dental problems rarely appear one at a time. When not addressed, a small problem can grow to several decaying, discolored, crooked, or misaligned teeth. Even more troubling, is the loss of multiple teeth.

Although you can’t see it, thousands of people are struggling with missing teeth, mouth pain, and difficulty eating. This technique is often chosen for more complex oral health issues. There is no need to continue hiding your teeth anymore.

The full mouth reconstruction by Dr. Roberto Velasco and Uptown Cosmetic & Implant Dentistry in Houston, Texas, was designed specifically for this reason. 

Dr. Velasco has performed OVER 4,000 full mouth Reconstruction Treatments in the state of Texas
256 Five Star Reviews ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

The innovative technique can rehabilitate your entire mouth, restoring total function and complete comfort.

No More Difficulty Eating ✔️
No More Difficulty Speaking ✔️
No More Uncomfortable Dentures ✔️
Confident Smile for the Rest of Your Life ✔️
Affordable Payment Plans ✔️

Named a 2023 Top Dentist by Houstonian Magazine
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👉 Are You Ready to Feel Confident Every Time You See Your Teeth in the Mirror?


What is a Full Mouth Reconstruction?

Full mouth reconstruction refers to a set of dental techniques, performed together to repair several or all of your teeth. The procedure is designed to completely change the way your mouth looks by improving the shape, color, and position of your teeth. The procedure will permanently address the look and function of the entire mouth, truly rehabilitating your mouth.

Everyone’s situation is different, meaning no two full mouth reconstruction procedures are the same. The process is uniquely designed to fit your needs, no matter your age or situation. Uptown Cosmetic & Implant Dentistry’s dental specialists use the science behind a full mouth reconstruction to safely assist those with existing medical issues such as genetic conditions, gum disease & problem teeth. Not to forget those who are currently wearing partials and/or dentures, those who are smokers, and those with bone loss.


Who is a Candidate for Full Mouth Reconstruction? 🙋

✅ Missing teeth
✅ Severe gum disease
✅ Decay; failed restorations
✅ Badly injured and cracked from trauma
✅ Long-term acid erosion
✅ Bruxism (tooth grinding)
✅ A poor bite that leads to jaw and muscle pain
✅ Multiple genetic conditions

There are many reasons someone does not initially address the damage, decay, or loss of one to two teeth. Unfortunately, ignoring the problem will not help, it will actually cause more harm to your overall health. Uptown Cosmetic & Implant Dentistry offers a free, confidential consultation to determine if a full mouth reconstruction can improve the health of your mouth and eliminate the need for future tooth procedures.

What’s included in Full Mouth Reconstruction?

The oral health needs of each person can vary greatly. For this reason, the consultation appointment will allow Dr. Velasco to create a full mouth reconstruction plan based on your specific dental and overall health problems. Most commonly, a full mouth reconstruction will consist of crowns, bridges, veneers, dental implants and/or dentures.

The most permanent and the strongest method for dental rehabilitation are dental implants. A titanium ‘root formed’ medical device that is implanted into your jawbone makes for a very strong foundation with which to restore complete functionality. Each implant is fitted with a crown that looks natural and functions just like natural teeth. Those with extensive tooth decay will benefit from Uptown Cosmetic & Implant Dentistry’s All-On-4™ implant treatment. In this modality, when somebody is about to loose or has lost all their teeth in one or both arches, they are replaced with the fixation of implants and new teeth in just one day. Full healing from the dental implant procedure can take two to four months depending on which jaw we are working. It is important to note that in the All-on-4™ procedure, patients always have fixed temporaries, no more embarrassing or ill-fitting removable dentures.


When a tooth has been affected by extensive decay or has previously been restored with a large filling, the tooth can be saved and made beautiful and functional once more with the help of a porcelain crown. Then, your dentist removes the old filler materials and all the decay, subsequently he reshapes the remaining tooth structure so a crown can fit. An impression of the tooth will be taken and an individual crown will then be prepared by our on-site dental lab. The beautiful new crown is then tried on and cemented in place with a strong bonding agent that will ensure its longevity. A crown will restore the function and look of teeth that do not need to be extracted and any infection has not yet reached the root of the tooth. Patients experience very little discomfort after having a crown placed.


Dental bridges are a series of three or more connecting crowns. They are one of the many choices available when you have a gap created by missing teeth. Each end of the bridge will be placed over the next existing teeth, with the middle crown(s) filling in the gaps. A permanent bridge can dramatically improve the look of your smile while helping you chew and talk. Most patients feel comfortable in two to three days after having a bridge placed.

Porcelain veneers are recommended when discoloration and mild misalignments are present. Veneers are super thin porcelain shells that are placed on the facial (Lip Side) side of each tooth that needs change. This will protect you from further decay while improving the aesthetics of your mouth. Porcelain veneers are made to fit the color of your other teeth as closely as possible. It’s a minimally invasive procedure, from which recovery is not normally needed, except for the fact that sometimes some teeth can get a little sensitive for a couple of days after the procedure. Veneers alone are not considered a Full Mouth Reconstruction, but they are used in conjunction with any of the other procedures to finish a case with beautiful aesthetics and perfect function.

At a lower cost than dental implants, dentures make a good choice to address the two full arches of upper and lower teeth. Dentures are created for each patient and are made to easily remove. They are held in place through natural suction between the palate and denture base or using an over the counter adhesive. Although very popular, there are drawbacks to dentures. Chewing or eating can cause your dentures to slip, making some sticky foods off-limits. Additionally, implants prevent bone reabsorption, while dentures do not. The recovery from denture placement will take two to three days.
What Our Patients Have to Say

What Our Patients Have to Say

"Dr Velasco and his team gave me my life back, that’s not an exaggeration. I remember the day that I walked into the office. I was there for an initial consult only when Dr Velasco cleared his schedule and decided to formulate a treatment plan. He was more than generous with working with me on the cost of my teeth. I initially went in with a referral from another dentist, who told me that I would need to have an all on for placed. Dr Velasco told me that he could save my teeth and that that wasn’t necessary. Both his staff and himself were non-judgmental and very understanding and caring about my situation. They worked with me on making payments and were very patient. I loved him and his team so much that I have decided to continue seeing him despite being an hour away. He will be the only person that touches my teeth if I have anything to say about it."

Full Mouth Reconstruction vs. Smile Makeover

While Uptown Cosmetic & Implant Dentistry’s full mouth reconstruction and Smile Makeover may sound similar, these are not interchangeable procedures.


A Smile Makeover is typically a cosmetic procedure designed to help a patient with smaller dental problems. These can include restoring teeth that are cracked, chipped, uneven, discolored, have gaps, or a gummy smile. So while a Smile Makeover may involve some of the same techniques as a full mouth reconstruction, it addresses the flaws in your smile.


On the other hand, full mouth reconstruction is a major dental procedure designed for complex oral health issues. Full mouth restoration usually involves extractions and the need for custom-made new teeth. These patients are often suffering from missing or injured teeth, gum disease, infections, and extensive tooth decay.

During this visit, one of Uptown Cosmetic and Implant Dentistry’s specialized staff will privately discuss all of the issues you are facing with your teeth and gums. Then one of our trained staff members will take a CT scan for Dr. Velasco to review during his sit down with you and at that time, he will answer any remaining questions that you may have and put together a full mouth reconstruction treatment plan designed for you and your needs. One of our patient coordinators will walk you through the cost of your treatment plan and explain all of your payment options.

Since a full mouth reconstruction is designed to restore complete health for severely damaged teeth, the time it takes can vary greatly from person to person. For this reason, it is important to remember that undertaking a full mouth reconstruction will be an involved commitment. Depending on the procedures involved, it can take up to a full year. During your consultation with Dr. Velasco, the exact length of your procedure will be determined.

The recovery from a full mouth reconstruction will vary with each technique. Healing can take anywhere from three days to nine months. During your consultation, Dr. Velasco will review the post-op period associated with your full mouth reconstruction.

Dr. Velasco uses a variety of anesthesia and modern dental techniques, eliminating any pain during his dental procedures. Discomfort during recovery will vary from technique to technique, but there is generally no pain, only a residual aching. Over-the-counter pain relievers are often all that will be needed. During your consultation, Dr. Velasco will go over what to expect from each procedure and discuss what he can do to make you feel comfortable during your visits.

The changes from your full mouth reconstruction can be long-lasting. Bridges, porcelain veneers and dental implants can last for decades. However, it will be imperative that you continue to maintain your oral health with good home hygiene and cleanings/exams twice a year. This will extend the life of your new and existing teeth while keeping gums healthy.

First, dental implants are no simple task, it takes years of training and careful instruction. Second, full mouth reconstruction is far more complex than a simple tooth implant. You are getting into the realm of full-fledged reconstructive surgery. Cheap is not good and good is not cheap, always remember that. Dr. Velasco has decades of experience in innovative procedures like this and has a record that is second to none. When it comes to your smile and mouth, you do not go second rate for a discount, you get the best because the best is worth it.


People you have never met will have no idea you’ve had the procedure. People who already know you will notice how beautiful your smile looks and the glow on your face. So if they do notice your new smile, then we are doing our job right! Our full mouth reconstruction is to true to life you might even forget it’s reconstructed.

When we do a full mouth reconstruction it will be just the same as your regular teeth if not better. This is a restorative surgery meaning it is not just cosmetic. The implants are designed to function just like normal teeth. It is something that is expected to last a lifetime so you should expect the best quality because that is all we do.The idea that it’s hard to maintain is nonsense!

The cost of each full mouth reconstruction varies greatly according to the techniques involved. On average, the cost can fall between $15,000 and $55,000. During your consultation with Dr. Velasco, the exact price of your full mouth reconstruction can be provided.

While some insurance plans will cover individual portions of a full mouth reconstruction, it is important to be aware of your specific policy. To make paying for your full mouth reconstruction easier, Uptown Cosmetic & Implant Dentistry offers a variety of payment options. We take cash, check, and all major credit cards, as well as offer medical financing. If you would like to learn more about your payment options, contact our office at 713-766-1493 to speak with a patient coordinator.

The most important aspect of a lengthy treatment is to fully understand the beginning, the end, and all the pit stops along the way to get there. When a problem is big, you cannot reach the end without visualizing it, and properly planning your route to it. Here lies the importance of prosthodontics. The Prosthodontist is the dental specialist that has the training to plan and orchestrate the big cases. And has the knowledge to execute said plan. So in short, make sure that when the problem is big, consult with a Prosthodontist like Dr. Velasco.